Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Beach Weekend!

Last weekend (July 26-27), we added another fun beach trip to our list of adventures. This trip was spontaneous, as Zoe complained of being homesick for the beach, and I was really ready to get my mind off work. We packed up the VW with food and equipment for one night, and drove to Newport.

The plan; to get to South Beach Campground before 1pm on Saturday and claim an unreserved camp spot, hang out on the beach, stay overnight, and head for home again on Sunday. If there were no spots, we would make a day trip out of it and it would be fun anyway.

The reality; Saturday morning the weather forecast called for drizzle in the morning, with highs around 55-57. Undaunted, we got the car packed and started on our way, only slightly later than we'd hoped. About 1 mile out of Newberg, however, traffic on HWY 99 came to a screeching halt. The next two miles to Dundee took a loooooong time to get through, but, as is typical, the traffic cleared up for no apparent reason and we continued on our way with only a few minor traffic slowups and one bathroom break.

By the time we arrived in Newport, it was close to 2:30. The campground was full, and it was drizzling. Peter was tired of driving and really wanted to find a place to spend the night. So we backtracked a few miles to Beverley Beach campground. Also full.

I suggested we pull into the day use area, get some real food out, and have a picnic on the beach. Everyone was tired of being in the car, and it wasn't raining at all here. When we arrived on the beach we were surprised there were soooo many people! It was foggy, and sweater wearing weather, but we found a great spot and had our lunch.

Peter realized he forgot to switch the VW's fridge to propane (jump starting the car as you're ready to leave isn't any fun). As he left to go do that, I suggested he check at the office to see if anyone had canceled and there would be a spot left. Ten minutes later he sent me a text message- "E29" Yay! There was a cancellation and we got a spot!
Camping At Beverly Beach Photo Album

After packing up the picnic and settling into our site, we walked to the activity amphitheater. There was a talk about fossils you can find on the beach. There were a lot of kids there, and the speaker was really good. He brought a lot of really nice fossils he'd found right here on the Oregon coast. He taught us how to recognize rocks that had fossils in them, and even pulled volunteers from the audience to help demonstrate cracking a rock open to reveal a shell inside.

Guess who jumped up and down at that chance? You're right, Cassie went up and got a hand-sized scallop shell, perfectly preserved! He let the kids keep them, and she was thrilled!

After the presentation, we were ready for dinner. It was still foggy, and so humid that our hot grilled cheese sandwiches steamed like they were on fire! We played with dragon breath, Made a fire and had s'mores, and went to bed happy and grateful to have found such a nice spot.

The next day we spent on the beach, hunting for fossils, splashing in the waves, flying kites and relaxing. We didn't leave for home until 6:30pm! A thoroughly worth it last minute adventure!
Playing on the Beach Photo Album


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to share what's going on in your family!
Thanks for all the hard work, Jenny!
I had learned a while back some of the basics of creating a blog and a wiki, but I didn't practice them right away, and alas, I've forgotten.
Are there helpful tutorials out there?
I also am looking into how to create Flash animations. I want to be able to teach this to my students (the ones who are interested enough to put in the time to do it right), and write a grant for computers and software to do it right.
Your text and pictures made me homesick for Oregon; for the beach and for you guys. Wish we'd been able to spend more time together while we were up...
Love from NM, Joe

Jenny Matteson said...

Thanks Joe! Creating a nice slick blog like this was really easy using They walk you through each step and there a several styles & layouts to choose from. Try it out- it's free and you can always delete it if you don't like it. ;)

femminismo said...

Jenny! This is wonderful. Now I can truly keep up. I can even "see" Joe "talk." Glad you got a spot at the beach. Glad, too, that you had fun with fossils - all of you.
Oops! Typo spotted on Blogger: "Please lets us know what you think!" I'd better not say too much. I may leave one of those in this post.
Now I'm going to leave for my blog. Jeanne/Mom

Anonymous said...

Jeanne sent me the link to your blog site so that I can see your summer pics - great vacation pics and story, very fun to look through! Like Joe, this just made me miss the NW and long for home and family. Hope to make it out there again soon!
Happy Fall!
~Amy (Pete's 'young' cousin :)