Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow Days

Ok, here in the Willamette Valley, we don't often get snow in the valley floor. When we do, it's a big deal, because we're not equipped to deal with large volumes of frozen water. We get rain, and have all kinds of drainage solutions, but snowplows and gravel trucks are limited, and we do not salt our roads.

So here we are, getting ready for Christmas, and the snow storms that the weather people promised us actually arrived! It was amazing! On Monday we decorated the tree and played outside. On Tuesday I went to work, but the kids were still home. Today, Wednesday, I'm home too, and it's been snowing steadily all day. We have about 2 inches. It drifted in places because we also had some high winds along with the cold temperatures. Maybe we'll have a White Christmas! The last time that happened was in the late 1980's!

The scary thing is that it's been warming up, just enough that tonight we may have rain mixed with snow, falling on the ground that's been below 28 degrees for three days. This ends up being freezing rain, coating everything with ice and being really nasty and obnoxious.

So we are hoping that the snow continues and that it does not rain and get icy. Our street is already coated in ice, then has 3 inches of snow on top of that, so more ice would just be uncalled for, don't you think?

More Photos Here!

Holiday Music

What better way to get into the holiday spirit than listening to holiday Music?

Last week, Cassie was in her first guitar concert. After only 7 or 8 sessions, all the kids got up infront of the parents and played their Christmas music. Did they sound like pros? Of course not, they sounded like kids who are just learning their instruments and having fun! It was awesome!

The evening before that we saw The Trail Band play live at Forest Grove High School. That was a swinging concert! I highly recommend their new album too. Thank you to Jeanne for reserving the tickets for us!

Then over the weekend, we went to my Mom's choir concert. My Grandma and Grandpa Kaake came down from Seattle with my Aunt Becky and my cousin Emily. It was a great visit, although Grandpa wasn't feeling well and they had to cut the visit short.

But my Mom got to play the baritone Ukelele that my Dad made for her several years ago. It sounds great, and my Mom is very brave for playing with the choir. Mom, here is a message from your Dad- Go Beard!