I want to take the opportunity to save Happy November birthday to all of you with your special day this month. My Grandpa Kaake, Grandma Beard, Aunt Nancy, Ruth, and of course Cassie! are all celebrating this month. Whoo Hoo!
Last weekend we went to my Grandpa's 89th birthday party! We converged on his new assisted living apartment building. Mom & Dad, my sister and her guy, my cousins, and aunts all brought a potluck to the activity room.
Let me tell you, this place is NICE! A huge restaurant dining area, tropical fish by the mailboxes, a movie theater, and a classy lobby all add to the excellent atmosphere. Zoe especially wanted to stay and live there, and kept running around from area to area. G'ma and G'mpa's apartment is really nice too, well laid out to maximize their space.
This weekend we met Mom & Dad for breakfast and has a pre-birthday party for Cassie, as they are going to have their Willamette Pass house delivered on Monday, and they expect to be on site for most if not all of the week. Cassie is thrilled, and can't wait for her actual Birthday, Wednesday the 19th. She will be ten (10!) years old, can you believe it? I'm still struggling with the concept. . . . ;)